Our Mission
The Ligon Research Center of Vision is a multidisciplinary center of Kresge Eye Institute and Wayne State University. The Ligon Research Center of Vision is one of only a few centers in the world that is exploring the possibility of vision restoration in blind persons. The Ligon Research Center of Vision invented a novel technology, optogenetic strategy, for restoring vision. The center is a collaborative effort between the departments of Ophthalmology and Anatomy & Cell Biology at Wayne State University. 
The creation of the center was made possible through a series of very generous gifts made by Robert Ligon, his late wife Gerry, and their family.
1. Prevention of blindness and vision restoration in the blind.
2. Conduct interdisciplinary research on the molecular engineering, gene therapy, neurobiology, biotechnology, electrophysiology and animal behavior of prosthetic vision in the blind - and other areas on the leading edge of eye research. In order to conduct the research necessary to accomplish our mission, our scientists need additional external funding support from both private and public sources.